Oak Knoll Families Navigate College Admissions Trends
Oak Knoll’s exceptional college counseling program mentors students through the college search and application process in a purposeful way, guiding students toward finding the colleges and universities that will be the best academic and community fit for each individual. Director of College Counseling Jennifer Wilson leads the charge and coordinated a panel discussion recently to familiarize families with current trends in college admissions.
Wilson invited admissions counselors from Drexel University, Lehigh University, and Providence College to sit on a panel and answer questions she had prepared as well as questions from attendees. Juniors and Seniors at Oak Knoll were expected to attend but the event was open to all parents, staff, and faculty.
In their answers, panelists provided a wealth of information about the admission process in general, not solely focusing on their respective institutions. Wilson chose these schools to represent a variety of institutions so families could hear an array of perspectives and learn that admissions trends may vary.
The panelists touched on a wide range of topics including: campus visits; how to research colleges; admission interviews; extracurricular activities and summer plans; diversity, equity, and inclusion as it relates to admissions and the lived experience of students on college campuses; testing and test optional policies; essays and personal statements; demonstrated interest; merit and need-based financial assistance; as well as general admissions advice.
“The advice and information given on College Night was invaluable to our students and families as our juniors prepare to begin this endeavor and our seniors continue with their application process this fall and winter. I am grateful that our three impressive panelists gave their time to share their wisdom and expertise with our Oak Knoll families,” said Wilson.
The college counseling partnership with Oak Knoll families begins in earnest during the junior year with a two-year College Seminar course and College Counseling Retreat, as well as through one-on-one and family meetings, during which time each student and her college counselor work on an individualized plan. For more on the college counseling process and our most recent matriculation list, visit our website.